Saturday, June 04, 2005

Why Do I do it?

May be after all that reading you are wondering why do I get up one fine day sit in front of my desktop & decide to start writing a Blog ?
Well the Answer is very simple ; you see it`s all about Mass Hypnosis. I know it is mind boggling but hey that is what all fiction writers do .... Don't believe me ?? then just think about this ...A Writer has an idea for a wonderful new story that could surely be the #1 Best seller of all times , but there is a problem he has to take that idea & write it down so that Millions of People Understand whatever you are trying to tell them . That is Basically the Definition of Mass Hypnosis. But I agree there is a shade of difference , In Hypnosis we make the people do what we want them to do , but in Writing all we have to do is make them think of what we have in mind ; their imagination will do the rest . But there is a catch , not many people have a very vivid imagination ; that is where a really talented author can do the job , he has to provide the imagination for them. He has to go into the very fine details so that the all the reader has to do is read to get his experience all neatly packed for him ; just like you have fresh fruits & you have canned & frozen foods. The Later is easier to use but isn't healthy ; while the former is Healthier but needs more work into getting it done . I know I have strayed away from the Subject at hand but you can be sure of one thing ...
But you will be happy to hear will be experimenting with other forms of writing as well . Currently I was hoping to go into a Comical Novel . I will be needing Illustrations for the Comic so if anybody out there is good at drawing illustrations ; I am willing to form a joint venture with those who are talented . Those Intrested can send in their Samples to my email address.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Saving Time

Saving Time

Xeek Baggerd was just another 13 year old. His curly golden hair flowed over his freckled pink face . He had no worries in life ; & was happy as any other kid his age could be . His Family lived in a small east European town , their country had recently been freed from it`s Communist ties by a very dominant western power . This happened when Xeek was still in his diapers & it did`nt bear any significance to him as it did to his parents.

One cold January morning ; he was on one of his rounds of the neighborhood with his friends Tom , Dick & Harry. Their neighborhood was largely a Residential area with a school & one very old Building which looked like it was an important building ; because it had a lot of fencing , really high walls & Huge gates . It had been abandoned ever since the communists left & for as long as Xeek could remember. Standing near one of the Enormous gates they wondered ; what the building was for?

" Must have been a secret base " suggested Tom .
" Well then ; it would`nt be so obviously big ; they would have tried to hide it " argued Dick.
" He`s got a point there" added Harry.
" Whatever it was, it is going to be our target for the day " said Xeek.

These kids had a habit of playing a game . It was to find out which one of them could throw a stone the farthest. The boys unanimously agreed to start the game & searched for stones nearby . Once they had enough Ammunition ; they began . Tom went first ; Harry next ; followed by Dick . All three of them failed to reach the building ; their stones landed mid-way between the fence & the building ; a little distance separating each other`s stone.

Now it was Xeek`s turn ; with all his might he heaved his stone at the building . It crossed all the other stones & broke a lone window on the buildings broad side. His first reaction was that of Triumph & Victory ; but it was short lived , for he could hear sounds of further breaking of glass & that of heavy metal objects crashing. Their sense of joy instantly turned to fear as all four of them started to run . All of a sudden , his vision got Hazy & he felt pain searing through his body ; he caught a fleeting glimpse of his friends standing still in the middle of their run as if they were Frozen . It looked like somebody had pressed the " Pause " button on the World . Everything had stopped . He then Fainted .

When he awoke ; he realized , he was`nt in his home town anymore , he was literally in the clouds Floating .

" Am I dead ? Is this heaven " he thought.
" So you are awake at last " a stern voice called from behind him ; he turned to see a man dressed exactly like an Angel ; white feathery Wings , Golden Halo & all .
" You have a lot of explaining to do ; Let me start by asking Why you happened to break the Time Crystal ?" he asked
" I don`t even know what a Time Crystal is? " said Xeek apparently Puzzled.
" There`s no time for this now , but I guess I have to tell you now . Every Universe has it`s own Time Crystal , the Inhabitants of that particular Universe cannot see it , But in very very simple terms that`s what makes your world Tick." he explained.
" I did`nt break no Time Crystal " Xeek replied Honestly .
" Oh No?.....Well then , this might serve to Refresh your memory " said the Angel .
He then snapped his Fingers & out of nowhere a T.V. Screen appeared & Xeek could see himself throwing the stone . After the Window broke the View seemed to pass through the immensely thick walls to give an inside look . The view the followed the stone which clearly had fallen on a lot many things causing a sort of Avalanche inside the building , which seemed like a lab. Finally it fell on what looked like a piece of Crystal & the crystal cracked into a million tiny pieces.

" I had no idea . I`m sorry " apologized Xeek.
" Sorry is`nt good enough . Do you realize you just stopped the Whole of time in your Universe" the angel seemed enraged.
The words took some time to sink in but it finally hit Xeek " Your Universe " he thought " Then where am I ? "
The Angel sensing his intrigue answered " You are at the office of the God of Time Kronoz."
"Are you the God of time ? "
asked Xeek meekly fearing the God`s Anger on him Stopping time.
" Of Course not , I`m his assistant ; but all that is immaterial now . We have to change history."
"Change History " Xeek thought " this can`t be happening"
" We have to stop that stone from breaking the Crystal "
Continued the Angel .
" But how ? " Questioned Xeek .
" There is only one way ... You have to pass the test of time..."
" Huh??"
" Go into that room & there will be a test waiting ; pass the test & your Universe will be saved ; Fail & the Consequences will be Unspeakable "
" What Door ?" Xeek Pondered . Just then an Oak Door materialized right beside him & the Angel forced him into it .
" But Why Don`t you take the test ? " asked Xeek
" Because He Who Breaks shall be the one who Mends.....Get it? "
Xeek reluctantly entered the door wishing he had never threw the stone. Inside he saw a boy just like himself ; The boy said
Xeek Could`nt believe what he was hearing ; the entire fate of his universe rested on him winning a game of Rock Paper Scissors.

Seeing that there was`nt much he could do but play along ; Xeek motioned a closed fist just as the other boy signaled a scissor with two of his fingers . Stone beat Scissor. Xeek had done it . He had done it . He had Single handedly saved his Entire Universe .

Then the image of the other boy started Whirling & Xeek lost Consicousness again .When he woke up ; Tom , Harry & Dick were looking at his Fallen body as if he had been lying there for quiet some time .

The Boys told him ; that after he started running Xeek had tripped & fell Over hitting his head on the Pavement Knocking him out . " So " he thought " It was all a Dream " feeling relieved.

"No" he heard the Angel`s voice inside his Head " Next time ; I won`t Let you go as easily "

-----The End-----

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Copyright Declaration

"Saving Time" Copyright Vinod Kanna Seshadri . All Rights Reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by information storage and retrieval system , without written permission from the author. For information contact Author -