PreP 4 War !
Yup ! you read it right
.., Get ready for
!! NO it`s not another WAR On TERROR
! Jus a battle to get what i truly deserve
. My Life back !
Ever since i took a break from blogging ma brain just shutdown
( Not tht it was in full flow b4 tht .. but anyways !) .., I missed you guys so here i am
So., first things first.., i promised a new look for Pzas & here it is ..,
Thx again to VCX studios.., ( Seriously now ! dont u think they wud hav had enuf of us .., but how he manages 2 put up wid us is an eternal secret)
Note de Camo FX on de Zas.., The variety of shades in green,black and every other color in between.,
Also, as a note of remembrence i would like to include the previous themes by "sLiVe"
( ya ya i kno the firey one is already been placed, but i looks so qewl that i just jad to do it again !)

as usual ->
Your friendly neighbourhood blogger

Ever since i took a break from blogging ma brain just shutdown

So., first things first.., i promised a new look for Pzas & here it is ..,

Thx again to VCX studios.., ( Seriously now ! dont u think they wud hav had enuf of us .., but how he manages 2 put up wid us is an eternal secret)
Note de Camo FX on de Zas.., The variety of shades in green,black and every other color in between.,
Also, as a note of remembrence i would like to include the previous themes by "sLiVe"
( ya ya i kno the firey one is already been placed, but i looks so qewl that i just jad to do it again !)

as usual ->
Your friendly neighbourhood blogger