Stop Dying ~ Go Live!
No – it’s not Slim Shady. Actually its the other guy who is neither slim nor shady, “Me”.
Sorry to keep my loyal followers waiting; but as they say “Good things come to people who wait” & “Wine gets better with age”.
STOp ! – Hold on a sec!! Dont read any further – just forget you read the last 2 lines – They were sooo lame – i don’t even know why i even spend the energy to come with such shit!! OH FUCK!! – i used a curse word – the old blog dint have any curse words. Which must mean this is no longer the same old blog!!
I would be doing cartwheels if i could – but since i can’t – here is why the blog has changed.
WTF ?? Why should i explain to you guys why my thinking has changed?? It my brain & if i wanna curse – then even if the earth stops spinning and chuck Norris turns soft – i am gonna curse.
Whats the big freagging deal? – People change – times change – so did i – here’s the new me. Pzas 2.0
Contradictary to popular belief this is not mini me – this is actually Mega Me !
This used to be the place where i shared my stories for public feedback & tried to be as nice & socially acceptable as possible without bending over backwards & kissing my ass.
And then – just like in my fictional stories – a miracle happened – I got a job and met a very special friend of mine – “The Real World”. He was a nice enough to show me around his balls & decided to fuck me up royally before i could tell him i wasn’t gay. Now that i survived that – i am back with a new fix on life, death & the whole fucking universe. You sorry bitches out there better get ready to read the most meanest, hottest, wildest crap ever written. Every Word, every sentence, every fucking dot on this page is my catch on things. Everybody knows this shit – but nobody talks about it – and cuz i have decided to fuck fear – i am gonna lay her naked – right here and screw her happy ass till she cant walk straight no more.
This is was the first thing i kinda realised as soon i was in the real world. People are afraid – they are very afraid. The only difference between people is in the scale in which they are scared. If i am less scared than you – you think of me as brave. So here’s my catch on one of the most common fears that normal people have – and incidentally never bothered me too much – go Figure!!
Fear of the Future / Death
If you actually stop & think about it – instead of blindly following generations of brain washing – you will understand how fucked up this fear is.
Phobia Buster –
Fact * Everyone has to die – no exceptions. Even the pope has to die – Barrack Obama – you – me & the mosquito currently sucking my blood – all living things perish. The Flesh & blood we are made of has an expiry date. No matter how hard you bargain – this cannot be changed.
Now that we have established that we all die – let’s look at the options on how to handle this news.
Option A. Decided that no matter what you do – it is pointless in the larger picture & kill yourself right now.
Option B. Keep Avoiding the idea of death – fearing it perpetually & still die in a tormented life.
Option C. Or as most religions do “Gift Wrap” it in shiny labels like “Heaven”, “Afterlife” and believe that you have all the time in the world & after world to do everything you ever wanted.
But after my brush with the real world – i have come up with a weird whacked out solution – it might not be completely my original idea – but what the heck ! I think it works – so here goes.
Now that all your days are numbered and there is nothing you can do about it – Embrace death & using it create a sense of urgency to force yourself into action for the things in life that matter the most to you. Times when these small itty bitty fears stop you – fears like rejection, loneliness, uncertainty, self doubt. Spit on their face & declare that you have only one life with a limited number of days – so you can’t keep running away from them & keep wasting the precious time you have left. Gambling on a chance of overcoming these fears is way more useful than sitting in a corner & brooding over what might happen if you fail. Just shut up & do what you like – so something so that there is a meaning & purpose to your existence,
something that can keep you alive even after your physical form has perished. All Great people have done something worth remembering & that alone makes them alive till this day. But people who are paralyzed into inaction everyday of their lives might be considered physically alive – but have died at the hands of their fears a long long time ago. Finding such a cause to fight for – one you are ready to give up your life for – is the most profound feeling of relief you will experience. I can’t say i have found it yet – but one of these days – i just might.
This thought process will affect your everyday functioning greatly. Firstly if you are stuck in something you have no interest in – but are only carrying on out of fear of failure – fear of trying something new – fear of getting what you always wanted. Then this dangling sand clock of limited time
over your head should snap you into action to get what you want. Then you shall be happy – truly happy – not just an ephemeral temporary use & throw – time killing happiness.
When you have clarity of your goal & understand perfectly that you have limited time to achieve it – then if you are truly passionate about your goal – your mind will find ways of getting you there – it might not be easy – but you will be living your life fully – instead of simply vegetating.
Stop Dying & go Live!