This is how u do it !
But there have been a few douts that need to be cleared out.
Firstly.., Only 1 entry per person.
Then there is the rule that all entries must be only pictures ( Prefferably .jpeg).
Also , there were a few who did not know , what exactly..imagination meant..
SO...this is what it is....If i say Zasio..u come up with something like this

.(i knew u wud do that !
)...I understand that most of you seeing the picture donot get most of it. But since it is about zasio.., i guess i have do all the explaining.In the Top Left Corner ( if u look closely & squeeze your eyes REAL hard) can see "Xeeq" - ( whom you remember is the Hero of my first story )
In the Top Right corner - you notice "Zyfro" ( which is a code for Crazy Frog - of which i am a TOTAL fan )
The Bottom Left has the "Zasio" (Trademark). Finally the Artist Declares that either I am Mad ( or that he is mad abt zas....i aint sure yet...will let u kno as soon as i find out !). Finally the Big Z in front is what it all Stands for.
Let us all welcome baq Vcx for that "One-of-a-kind" piece of art.
Then there were serious concerns about me having exams expressed by a few of my Adoring Fans. I re-assure them..."dont worry guys....i wont flunk"..( even if i do...Dont worry ...i'll blame it on U...Hah! ).
Catch u l8er...
))---- Your friendly neighbourhood Blogger -->