Friday, March 24, 2006

This is how u do it !

I have had some .., really HUGE response to the contest...,
But there have been a few douts that need to be cleared out.
Firstly.., Only 1 entry per person.
Then there is the rule that all entries must be only pictures ( Prefferably .jpeg).
Also , there were a few who did not know , what exactly..imagination meant..

SO...this is what it is....If i say Zasio..u come up with something like this

Shocked .(i knew u wud do that ! Teethy )...I understand that most of you seeing the picture donot get most of it. But since it is about zasio.., i guess i have do all the explaining.In the Top Left Corner ( if u look closely & squeeze your eyes REAL hard) can see "Xeeq" - ( whom you remember is the Hero of my first story )
In the Top Right corner - you notice "Zyfro" ( which is a code for Crazy Frog - of which i am a TOTAL fan )
The Bottom Left has the "Zasio" (Trademark). Finally the Artist Declares that either I am Mad ( or that he is mad abt zas....i aint sure yet...will let u kno as soon as i find out !). Finally the Big Z in front is what it all Stands for.
Let us all welcome baq Vcx Head Banger for that "One-of-a-kind" piece of art.

Then there were serious concerns about me having exams expressed by a few of my Adoring Fans. I re-assure them..."dont worry guys....i wont flunk"..( even if i do...Dont worry ...i'll blame it on U...Hah! Sinister ).

Catch u l8er...

))---- Your friendly neighbourhood Blogger -->

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Imajinazion Qontest

What UpWhat this is all about :
I just felt like it one-day Light Bulb ; and decided to hold a picturing event. ( NO ! I am not going to call it Photoshop Contest !!). So , we will be holding a "Picturing event" . The Rules all given below. Just follow them .( Like you are going to ..??) Then I will collect all the enteries ( That means you will be mailing them to me ).

Theme for the Qontest -> Germany Soccer World Cup 2006 in Germany ( Yup ! the one by FIFA )

Rules :

1. No Advertising in your enteries ( Dont include stuff that includes Copyright )

2. Only Censored entries ( that is No Swearin I Swear , No Cursing Pissed , No Porn Mardi Gras , NO ripping )

3. Have Respect ( For others that is ) & Be Kind ( to newbies)

4. Have FUN ! Have Fun ( as long as you don't break any of the rules )

5. All entries must reach me on or before JUNE 23 , 2006.

General Info ->
* All pictures will be posted online ( HERE ) to be voted on by the Viewers ( You !! )
* Just make sure you give me your name ( Not your real name ...something better! )and the name of your work
* When Voting. Election Day ..make sure you give me your name ( Real name this time ! ) And e-mail id ( so that i can make sure , you are not filling the ballot boxes your self )
* Basically your vote means leaving your comment on the entry with all the above details ( & Of course...the picture you like !)
* Also ., if you are reading this BUT cannot use SOME image editing software ( No ! i am NOT calling it Photoshop)...Dont fret....pass on the word to somebody you know Chatty 2 ; who can do it. ( This is Open to Everybody !)
* Finally , this is where you will be mailing the entries to sv2000v at ( i purposely forgot the @ to prevent spams). Make sure you type "Imajinazion Qontest" in the Subject line.

The Grand Prize -->

You will be Crowned as the Present " Grand Champion @ zAsIo-ArTW0rX" ( Ya...Ya...i are thinking...This is Crap !...Why should i do all that for just a shitty title....that is not worth anything. May Be for some Cash !! Show Me Da Money ...I Understand...i am currently working on it..We are talking to FIFA to get their Official Sponsorship....If it gets through then i will be floating in cash Dollar Smiley (Eh! I mean You !!!) till then..i guess the title will do !)

AS always..,
-Your Friendly Neighbourhood Blogger