Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Once again...We @ zaSio have decided to change our looks , This time we were aiming for elemental theme going from the raging fire to the Gentle waters...the everchanging fluidity is caught in it`s lucid splendour. On the other hand...the black & green may give away once more that the artist is Elvis Antony of Elvis Studios.....( Who ....i have to remind you is a Maniacal Fan of the Matrix Trilogy).But due to a recent turn of events..he has decided to use a PSUEDO for his artwork. We accept his wish to be called " sLiVe". Yo
Also in loving memory of our recently shed skin...we would like to place it here for posterity.

I have finally succeded in getting my brain to do some more work & have cooked up a nice little story for my readers. The title of this story is "The Undee Destiny"- the illustrations are courtesy of ES Inc. As Always i would love to hear ALL your thoughts on this & anything else that might pop up in your Cranium.

- your friendly neighbourhood blogger ;)

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Undee Destiny

The Restroom door in a restaurant crashed open. Men's Room Through the door came rushing a pompous slightly bald looking man. His name was Enrique Ladrose; a teacher Boring Lecture at a local school in New York. He was at the hotel on a date. The pricy food did not seem to go well with his Stomach. He dashed into an empty cubicle, unbuttoned his pants as fast as he could. Then He sat down on the Loo to relieve himself. Relieved After about 5 minutes he noticed that he was out of Toilet paper. In the middle of constant cursing Pissed , he searched for things to help him serve the crisis.

Rebecca Stope ; Red Hat One of the most successful crooks in all of New York; she wasn’t one of those “wanted by the FBI Police Shield ” kind of vandals but she specialized in petty crimes. Rebecca was carrying a briefcase Briefcase ; which was very common among people who do a 9 to 5 job. Exec She was on the metro; wearing a diaphanous red dress. At the next station; a couple of people boarded the train, one man halfheartedly came around and sat next to Rebecca. He too had a briefcase just like hers. He was apparently smug about getting a seat next to such a gorgeous woman. Then Rebecca got up to leave as the next station approached. She stumbled on the cases. The man helped her get up. She apologized for her clumsiness. But the man seemed too happy to assist her get up. He was grinning through his teeth and said it was nothing. Then Rebecca left the train.

She wasn’t sure if there would be anything worthy in the case. She felt that it was too easy, the man practically handed her the case. She Devil She opened the brief case and after a swift check she declared that the job was an utter Failure. Outside the subway station; noting a homeless drifter, she chose to loose the evidence. Then strolled away planning when to strike next.


Enrique was getting ready to leave; Still unable to find a way to avert the disaster, When he heard someone else barge into the lavatory Bathroom Knocker
. Enrique continued to go about his business as the man spoke into his phone. Cell Phone 2


Benny Lansing was a beggar. Bum America too had its fair share of poor people. There he was on the Pavement outside the subway station with a case which a nice lady gave him. He scavenged the case for anything he could use. A couple of books, a few pens, a whole bunch of papers and an underwear. It was just another men’s innerwear. Of course, it wasn’t Pearly, but sickly yellow obviously from years of use. Something on the inside of the Underwear caught Benny’s eye. There was a faint squiggle of blue.


The man continued on his Mobile Phone Phone Shocker
“I am clear; tell me now”
“How do I get the $10 million from the numbered account in the Swiss bank??”
Enrique froze with his hands halfway to his knees, clutching his underwear. Money
He bent down really low to get a look at the person on the phone but only got a glimpse of someone wearing weird cowboy-ish boots. But the man went on,
“I am absolutely sure that there is nobody here, now tell me”
“You do know that this is my first time…don’t you? …so give me precise step-by-step instructions on how to reach the cash….ok?”
Enrique desperately scanned his little booth for something to write on. All he had to do was somehow get to the money before the person on the phone. He had also heard that these Swiss bank accounts needed no form of authorization other than a 10 digit number, whoever had access to the number had access to all the money stored in these accounts usually in the Millions Gold Coins . By now he had started dreaming up all that he could do with $10 million, fast European cars, his own villa in Venice and fine-looking women. Finding no other surface barely writable, he turned to his clothes. He could have written on the shirt but decided against it. He couldn’t imagine himself walking out the door with instructions on how to get $10 million on the back of his shirt. Then he reluctantly decided to write the accurate details on the only “close-to-white” surface he could find. He started hastily writing it all down. After he was finished he also added a neat label “How to get $10 million from a numbered account in a Swiss bank” in case he woke up afterwards to realize that it was all a pigment of his imagination.


A Little while later he exited the bathroom making sure that he was undetected. The man on the phone had hurried out earlier. Just as he was walking to get back to his delayed date, he heard a flurry of gun fire. Trigger Happy Recoil After the commotion had ended, he made out that the police were there. The man wearing the queer cowboy boots was dead Tombstone . On enquiry Enrique found out that the man was a criminal on the loose wanted in connection with a recent $10 million burglary. Also, the Police had no idea where the money was. Before the police could capture him, he committed suicide; further complicating the case. Enrique was overjoyed, now he could go and get his money at his own pace with no fears of losing his fortune.

On getting off the subway half-an-hour later Enrique admitted that it was a mistake taking the metro, with all those prying people. Now that he was rich, he could have very well taken a cab. But he justified his error stating that he couldn’t have met the beautiful woman in the red dress otherwise.


Benny let out a cry of delight as he comprehended what was written. But Enrique heard nothing of it; he was too busy mourning in front of an empty briefcase “Where is the Underwear when you need it the most?”
-your friendly neighbourhood Blogger. Gorilla